Registration with the Spatzen for the coming KiTa year starting in August is officially possible until January 31 of each year. Binding registration takes place via the Kita-Portal of the Free Hanseatic City of Bremen. If you would like to register your child in our facility, it is a prerequisite that you contact us in advance by email. The registration process follows the following steps:
1. Please inform yourself about the concept of the Spatzen and observe the admission criteria, which you can find in the current local law on the admission of children to day care facilities and child day care in the municipality of Bremen (Aufnahmeortsgesetz - BremAOG) under paragraph 6.
2. If you are considering applying for a place at Spatzen and can imagine getting involved in our parents' association, please send us an email by January 12th and include a telephone number where we can reach you. Please also state the age of your child and write a few lines about your family. Our email:
3. If admission is possible after taking the above admission criteria into account, we will be happy to invite you to a meeting with the childcare team in the Spatzen rooms around mid-January. There you will also have the opportunity to discuss the further procedure (getting to know the other parents, registration via the Kitaportal, etc.).
You can also find information on the procedure and open places on our KiTa-Portal page.